Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Way Elections are happening.

Its a very disturbing thing that the way in which elections are being conducted. we must notice the change that no intelligent, honest and social conscious person can influence the results of the elections. on the contrary dishonest, anti social and wealthy people can. When a person who has no knowledge about the political structure, history and problems of the land is being elected just because he is able to spend some crores of rupees can we expect them to serve the country. All political parties for that matter have a common ideology in fielding candidates with criminal background, taking the wealth of the person as a crediblity, actors who have no idealogy, and mere community status of the person. parties boasting to bring about positive changes to the country must understand that there are good, proficient, social hearted persons in all parties who are just being ignored and overtaken by flashy , unfit personalities.

1 comment:

  1. Balaji, iam with you on this post "The Way Elections are happening". Hope to see potential personality like you in the arena. Wish you all success and we are with you, if into such endeavours in future.
